Holistic Balance

{Holistic Balance}{363 Burwood Rd}{Hawthorn}{3122}{VIC}{Australia}{(039) 041-3232}
363 Burwood Rd 3122 Hawthorn, VIC
Phone: (039) 041-3232
Sports Massage | Holistic Balance

Sports massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers. The particulars of the sports massage technique are specific to the athlete’s sport of choice. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.

Aspects of sports massage therapy are gaining popularity as useful components in a balanced training regimen. Sports massage therapy can be used as a means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance during training or after an event. Athletes have discovered that specially designed sports massage promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance.

Benefits of sports massage:

Helps prevent – Muscle and tendon injuries.

Reduces – The post strain and discomfort effects of training and chronic strain patterns. Allowing a quicker return to maximum training levels.

Facilitates – Recovery from myofascial injury reducing the likelihood of recurrence of chronic injuries.

Resulting – In soft tissues free of trigger points and adhesions, contributing to peak muscular functioning.

Post event massage – Helps recovery from hard training and competition.

Regular massage – Focuses on the prevention of developing chronic injuries and aids in the healing process of current ones.

Method – Relief of tightness in the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue is achieved through the focus on the knots and specific tension areas. Regular therapy sessions will help break up and eliminate scar tissue.

Follow up assessment will take place for a range of motional movement. Repeat consultations and prescribed exercises are usually required for the long term treatment of chronic and acute conditions.


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