Holistic Balance

{Holistic Balance}{363 Burwood Rd}{Hawthorn}{3122}{VIC}{Australia}{(039) 041-3232}
363 Burwood Rd 3122 Hawthorn, VIC
Phone: (039) 041-3232
Whip Lash | Holistic Balance

Whiplash injury

Imagine a situation where your head is suddenly jerked forward and then snapped backward in a rapid motion. This seemingly harmless action, often experienced during car accidents or even in contact sports, can lead to an injury known as whiplash. Whiplash is a common neck injury that occurs due to the forceful back-and-forth movement of the neck, causing strain to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience, a whiplash injury can result in significant pain and discomfort, affecting your daily activities and overall well-being.


A whiplash injury commonly occurs due to a sudden forceful movement of the neck, often caused by rear-end car collisions, contact sports injuries, or physical activities that lead to a sudden jerking motion. The rapid back-and-forth movement can strain the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the neck, leading to pain and discomfort.


Whiplash symptoms may not always manifest immediately after the injury, but they can develop within hours or days. Common symptoms include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, shoulder pain, and even radiating pain to the arms. Muscle spasms, reduced neck mobility, and discomfort while moving the neck are also typical signs.


Whiplash symptoms may not always manifest immediately after the injury, but they can develop within hours or days. Common symptoms include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, shoulder pain, and even radiating pain to the arms. Muscle spasms, reduced neck mobility, and discomfort while moving the neck are also typical signs.

Risk factors:

Several factors can increase the risk of whiplash injury. These include:

  1. Impact severity: The force of impact in a collision or sudden jerking motion plays a significant role in the severity of the injury.
  2. Position and Posture: The position of the head and neck at the time of impact, as well as overall posture, can impact the likelihood of injury.
  3. Age and Gender: Younger individuals and females tend to be at a higher risk due to differences in muscle strength and anatomy.
  4. Pre-existing conditions: Individuals with a history of neck injuries or musculoskeletal issues might be more susceptible to whiplash.

Myotherapy treatments:

  • Assessment: Myotherapists will begin with a thorough assessment to understand the extent of the injury, identify areas of pain and muscle tension, and evaluate the range of motion.
  • Soft tissue techniques: Myotherapy employs various soft tissue techniques like massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy to reduce muscle tension, enhance blood circulation, and alleviate pain.
  • Manual Therapy: Gentle joint mobilisations may be used to restore normal joint movement and relieve stiffness.
  • Stretching and Strengthening: Myotherapists design personalised stretching and strengthening exercises to improve flexibility, restore muscle balance, and support the healing process.
  • Postural correction: Addressing postural imbalances is crucial in preventing chronic pain. Myotherapists guide patients on ergonomic adjustments and correct posture to prevent strain on the neck muscles.
  • Pain management: Myotherapy can provide pain relief through techniques like heat therapy or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).
  • Education: Myotherapists educate patients about their condition, self-care techniques, and strategies to prevent future injuries.

From a myotherapy perspective, whiplash injuries require a comprehensive approach that combines assessment, targeted techniques, exercise, and education. By addressing muscle tension, promoting healing, and restoring normal function, myotherapy can play a significant role in the recovery process and help individuals regain their quality of life after a whiplash injury. It’s important to seek professional guidance for proper diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan.

Click on this link to book an appointment with one of our myotherapists.



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